Review and Research— 2002 to 2018
2002 and 2010: OSU engaged in the iterative review of the Baccalaureate Core
Spring 2018: Baccalaureate Core Implementation and Leadership Workgroup (BCIL) was formed with the charge to make recommendations in order to "establish a basis of shared governance leadership for the Baccalaureate Core and increase the effectiveness of the Baccalaureate Core curricular process."
Fall 2019: Strategic Plan 4.0 specifically called out the review and reform of the Baccalaureate Core.
March 2020: The Baccalaureate Review Committee was constituted and charged with the explicit goal of researching general education models across institutional types, best and high-impact practices for student success, and state legislative mandates as they impact curricular reform.
Design and Development— 2021 to 2022
- Summer 2021: A team from OSU participated in AACU's Institute on General Education and Assessment
- Hiring of Baccalaureate Core Director to guide the reform
- Fall 2021: Baccalaureate Core Reform Committee (BCRC) created
- Under the leadership of Faculty Senate President, Selina Heppell, the Baccalaureate Core Reform Committee was created and charged with reforming the Bacc Core. Dr. John Edwards of the College of Liberal Arts and Dr. Lori Kayes of the College of Science co-chaired the committee.
- Fall 2021 - Winter 2022: The reform committee designed three curricular template models based on research presented by the review committee.
- Winter 2022: Feedback solicited from faculty, administrators, and student stakeholders to learn about the reform process, preview curricular template drafts, engage in conversation, and provide feedback.
- March 15, 2022: The BCRC concluded the feedback sessions. The BCRC and sub-committees met weekly to develop a final model based on feedback and data from the roadshows and recommendations from the sub-committee.
- Spring 2022: The proposed general education model was previewed and discussed at three senate meetings.
- October 13, 2022: The Faculty Senate enthusiastically approved the proposed General Education curriculum.
Implementation— Fall 2022 to Spring 2023
- Fall 2022: Provost Edward Feser appoints Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Senior Vice Provost to chair and appoint the Implementation Steering Committee.
- Core Team and various implementation committees appointed Alix Gitelman and McKenzie Huber, Director of Core Education:
- Learning Outcomes, Criteria, and Rationale (LOCRs) committee.
- Policies and Processes Committee
- Training and Course Development committee.
- Operations committee (technical aspects related new/different requirements for students).
- Organizational Change Management committee
- Core Team and various implementation committees appointed Alix Gitelman and McKenzie Huber, Director of Core Education:
- Fall 2022 - Winter 2023: Faculty invited to apply and selected to create (LOCRs) for each new category.
- Winter 2023: Baccalaureate Core Committee creates installation plan and course submission guidelines.
- April 13, 2023: Faculty Senate approved LOCRs.
- Spring 2023: Faculty and colleges begin submitting a statement of intent acknowledging which courses they would like to (re)design.
- June 2023: Core Education - adopted name of the new curriculum
Implementation— Summer 2023 to Summer 2025
- Summer 2023: Center for Teaching and Learning develops Course Adaptation and Design Institutes.
- Fall 2023: Faculty begin participating in the CADIs and submit courses for review to the Core Education Committee (CEC).
- Fall 2023 - January 2025: CEC reviews courses on a rolling basis.
- November 1, 2024: All courses and program proposals due to CIM. Please refer to the Implementation Deadlines for more detailed information.
- March 1, 2025: Core Education courses due to the catalog for curriculum live date.
- On-going: Organizational Change Management team works on marketing and communications for internal and external stakeholders to promote the new curriculum.
- Summer 2025: Curriculum goes live.