Learning Outcome, Criteria, and Rationale Development

Following the approval of OSU's new general education curriculum (Core Education), a leadership team was formed to guide the work of creating new assessable student learning outcomes, criteria, and rationale (LOCR) for each category. The leadership team elected to create a workgroup for each category made up of faculty with expertise in fields related to the category and prior experience teaching in the Bacc Core. Roles were created roles for members, charges were created, and faculty were recruited and selected. Over 100 faculty applied to serve on the workgroups, and 80 were selected. 

LOCR Workgroup Composition

LOCR Developers: During the workgroup meetings, Developers served as subject matter experts on crafting measurable student learning outcomes and criteria. Developers had experience and expertise in academic fields related to the chosen category. A deep understanding of general education was also desirable.

LOCR Mentors: During the workgroup meetings, Mentors facilitated the writing of measurable student learning outcomes and helped guide their designated category-specific workgroup through the development process. Mentors had experience with writing learning outcomes and doing assessments. Some level of knowledge and familiarity with the new Bacc Core (Core Education) was also beneficial. Though they will receive training from Assessment and Accreditation staff,

Assessment Liaisons: Liaisons served in a collaborative and supportive role to the Mentors and Developers. They were responsible for ensuring the final LOCRs fit within the parameters outlined and were completed by the intended due dates. Before the workgroup meetings, Assessment Liaisons ensured the Developers and Mentors had the tools, resources, and training they needed to develop LOCRs. During the workgroup meetings, Liaisons were proactive with guidance and feedback rather than reactive to final proposals from the workgroups. 

You can read more about the application and selection process for LOCR Developers and Mentors in the FAQs below. 

LOCR Workgroups

Name College/Division/Unit Location
Kristy Kelley
Liberal Arts - School of Writing, Literature, and Film Corvallis
Andrea Allan Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences - Geography Corvallis
Dennis Bennett Liberal Arts - School of Writing, Literature, and Film Corvallis
David L Blunck Engineering - Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Corvallis
Lauren Dalton Science - Biochemistry and Biophysics Corvallis
Maricruz Gomez Liberal Arts - School of Writing, Literature, and Film Cascades
Deanna Lloyd Agricultural Sciences - Crop and Soil Sciences Corvallis
Kristin Nagy Catz
Assessment Liaison 
Academic Affairs - Assessment and Accreditation


Name College/Division/Unit Location
Kara Ritzheimer
Liberal Arts - School of History, Philosophy, and Religion Corvallis
Amanda Armington Public Health and Human Sciences - Assessment and Accreditation Corvallis
Katherine Hubler Liberal Arts - School of History, Philosophy, and Religion Ecampus
Cyndie McCarley Ecampus - Course Development and Training Ecampus
Janet Rankin Liberal Arts - American Studies Cascades
Nicole von Germeten Liberal Arts - School of History, Philosophy, and Religion Corvallis
Rebecca Olson Liberal Arts - Writing, Literature, and Film Corvallis
Funmi Amobi
Assessment Liaison 
Academic Affairs - Center for Teaching and Learning


Name College/Division/Unit Location
Colin Hesse
Liberal Arts - School of Media and Communication Corvallis
Brian Mills Engineering - Assessment and Accreditation Corvallis
Dave Stemper Forestry - Forest Ecosystems and Society Ecampus
Elizabeth Root Liberal Arts - School of Media and Communication Corvallis
Jon Louis Dorbolo IT Development - Technology Across the Curriculum; Liberal Arts - Philosophy Corvallis
Heath Henry
Assessment Liaison 
Academic Affairs - Assessment and Accreditation


Name College/Division/Unit Location
Ana Milena Ribero
Liberal Arts - School of Writing, Literature, and Film Corvallis
Ingrid Scheel
Engineering - School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Corvallis
Annie Hommel Public Health and Human Sciences - Environmental and Occupational Health  Corvallis
Eliza Young Barstow Liberal Arts - History, Philosophy, and Religion Corvallis
Jonathan Garcia Public Health and Human Sciences -  Biological and Population Health Sciences Corvallis
Kate Shay Science - Biochemistry and Biophysics Corvallis
Kelsey Emard Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences - Geosciences Corvallis
Luhui Whitebear Liberal Arts - Language, Culture, and Society Corvallis
Molly Kile Public Health and Human Sciences - Biological and Population Health Sciences Corvallis
Ricardo Mata-Gonzalez Agricultural Sciences - Associate Dean Corvallis
Heath Henry
Assessment Liaison
Academic Affairs - Assessment and Accreditation


Name College/Division/Unit Location
Rorie Solberg
Liberal Arts - Political Science Corvallis
Camille Nelson Liberal Arts - Economics Corvallis
Demian Hommel Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences - Geology Corvallis
David G Lewis Liberal Arts - Language, Culture, and Society Corvallis
Michele Swift Business - Management, Entrepreneurship, and Supply Chain  Corvallis
Sara Wright Education - Family and Consumer Sciences Corvallis
Stacy Rosenberg Forestry - Forest Ecosystems and Society Ecampus
Tim Delbridge Agricultural Sciences - Applied Economics Corvallis
Funmi Amobi Assessment Liaison  Academic Affairs - Center for Teaching and Learning


Name College/Division/Unit Location
Lori Kayes
Science - Integrative Biology Corvallis
Cassandra Siler Science - Chemistry Corvallis
Julia Jones Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences - Geography Corvallis
Kaplan Yalcin Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences - Geography Corvallis
Leslie Blair Science - Integrative Biology Corvallis
Marc Curtis Agricultural Sciences - Botany and Plant Pathology La Grande
Marisa Chappell Liberal Arts - History, Philosophy, and Religion Corvallis
Randall Milstein Science - Physics Corvallis
Ron Reuter Forestry - Forest Ecosystems and Society Corvallis (formerly Cascades)
Kristin Nagy Catz
Assessment Liaison 
Academic Affairs - Assessment and Accreditation


Name College/Division/Unit Location
Selina Heppell
Agricultural Sciences - Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences Corvallis
Donald Heer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering Corvallis
Geoffrey Barstow Liberal Arts - History, Philosophy, and Religion Corvallis
Hannah Rempel Academic Affairs - Library Research and Learning Corvallis
Inara Scott Business - Environmental Law Corvallis
Jeremy Rose Science - Integrated Biology Corvallis
Jonathan Kaplan Liberal Arts - History, Philosophy, and Religion Corvallis
Kate Lajtha Agricultural Sciences - Crop and Soil Sciences Corvallis
Louisa Hooven Agricultural Sciences - Horticulture Ecampus
Megan MacDonald Public Health and Human Sciences - Biological and Population Health Sciences Corvallis
Michael Harte Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences - Marine Geography Corvallis
Pat Ball Science - Biology Cascades
Troy Hall Forestry - Forest Ecosystems and Society Corvallis
Kristin Nagy Catz
Assessment Liaison 
Academic Affairs - Assessment and Accreditation
Funmi Amobi Assessment Liaison  Academic Affairs - Center for Teaching and Learning


Name College/Division/Unit Location
Elaine Cozzi
Science - Mathematics Corvallis
Aidas Jonas Banaitis Science - Mathematics Cascades
Jon Chesbro Liberal Arts - Economics Corvallis
Kevin Lyons Forestry - Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management Corvallis
Lisa Ganio Science - Statistics Corvallis
Pamela Sullivan Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences - Geosciences Corvallis
Sara Clark Science/Mathematics Corvallis
Kristin Nagy Catz
Assessment Liaison 
Academic Affairs - Assessment and Accreditation


Name College/Division/Unit Location
Steve Wuhs
Academic Affairs-Liberal Arts - Experiential Learning-Political Science Corvallis
Erin Bird
Academic Affairs - Transfer Transitions Corvallis
Allison Evans Science - Microbiology Corvallis
Bonnie Hemrick Counseling and Psychological Sciences - Mental Health Promotion Corvallis
Brian Doore Education - Assessment and Accreditation Corvallis
Javier Calvo-Amodio Engineering - Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Corvallis
Kate Kerish Academic Affairs - INTO OSU Corvallis
Lauren Caruso Business - Student Engagement Corvallis
Mark Hoffman Public Health and Human Sciences - Kinesiology Corvallis
Matthew Kennedy Agricultural Sciences - Animal and Rangeland Corvallis
Penelope (Penny) Diebel Agricultural Sciences - Applied Economics Eastern Oregon
Tyler McFadden Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences - Environmental Sciences Corvallis
Dianna McGinnis Academic Advising Cascades
Heath Henry
Assessment Liaison 
Academic Affairs - Assessment and Accreditation


Name College/Division/Unit Location
Brandi Fuhrman
Student Affairs - Career Development Center Corvallis
Brenna Gomez Student Affairs - Career Development Center Corvallis
Elizabeth Simmons Student Affairs - Career Development Center Corvallis
Haley Traini Agricultural Sciences - Agricultural Education Corvallis
Jennifer Villalobos Business - Student Engagement Corvallis
Meghan Brandow Career Development Center Cascades
Paul Hughes Agricultural Sciences - Food Science and Technology Corvallis
Sai Sandeep Engineering - Civil and Construction Engineering Corvallis
Tasha Galardi Public Health and Human Sciences - Social and Behavior Sciences Corvallis
Heath Henry Assessment Liaison Academic Affairs - Assessment and Accreditation


Frequently Asked Questions

LOCR Developer and LOCR Mentor position description, duties, and qualifications

LOCR Developer and Mentor Rubric


The LOCR Developer and Mentors will be selected using the rubric developed by the LOCR Committee. The selection committee members are Dan Faltesek, Selina Heppell, Kristin Nagy Katz, and McKenzie Huber.

The goal for each of the category-specific workgroups is to have a rich and diverse group of experts developing learning outcomes and criteria. Each workgroup will be supported by a faculty Mentor who will facilitate the development of related learning outcomes and course assessments. The Office of Assessment and Accreditation will train LOCR Developers and LOCR Mentors. Workgroups will have a toolkit available to them with resources to guide their work, such as AAC&U LEAP Rubrics, the Core Transfer Map Learning Outcomes, the current Baccalaureate Core LOCRs, and Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy.

Process and timeline: (meetings were hybrid, with in-person and remote options)  

  • November 16, 2022: LOCR application forms due by noon
  • December, 2022: Notification of LOCR Developers and Mentors selected
  • December 9 2022- 15: Mandatory LOCR Mentor training 
  • January 9-13, 2023: Mandatory LOCR Workshops for Developers and Mentors
  • January 13 - February 3, 2023: Mandatory LOCR workgroups met 2-3 times to write learning outcomes and criteria 
  • February 6-10, 2023: Listening Sessions held via Zoom to receive feedback from faculty
  • February 13-16, 2023: Assessment and Accreditation reviewed and provided feedback on drafts
  • February 17, 2023: Mandatory Workgroups finalized LOCRs
  • March 9, 2023: Faculty Senate previewed the LOCRs
  • April 13, 2023: Vote and approval of LOCRs

JoAnne Bunnage, Assistant Vice Provost, Assessment Accreditation, Office of Academic Affairs, Chair

Funmi Amobi, Instructional Consultant and College Liaison, Center for Teaching and Learning

*Dan Faltesek, Baccalaureate Core Committee Co-Chair, Associate Professor, New Media Communications

Meilianty Gunawan, Curriculum Coordinator, Curriculum Management

Heath Henry, Assessment Coordinator, Assessment and Accreditation

*Selina Heppell, Faculty Senate President-Elect, Faculty Senate Executive Committee Liaison, Professor and Department Head, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

*McKenzie Huber, Director of the Baccalaureate Core and General Education, Office of Academic Affairs

*Kristin Nagy Catz, Director of Assessment, Office of Assessment and Accreditation

*Committee members who are on the LOCR workgroup selection committee

Yes, the LOCR Committee shared drafts of the LOCRs during two listening sessions the week of February 13-15, 2023. This was an opportunity for faculty to share their insights and provide feedback on the drafts their colleagues created.

The Faculty Senate was presented with the final drafts of the LOCRs at their regularly scheduled meeting on March 9, 2023, and approved on April 13, 2023.