Required Trainings

Throughout the curriculum reform process, we heard faculty ask for support with (re)designing courses and the resources for this to happen. The Pedagogical Support and Development (PSD) Committee was formed and has worked hard to make this a reality. There are three main ways faculty will be supported with (re)designing courses, collaborating in a community of practice, and providing long-term ongoing support and education: 

  • Course Adaptation and Design Institute (CADI) and Canvas Guides

  • Ecampus Development of Courses (DOC) and Redevelopment of Courses (ROC)

  • Training in Core Education (TCE) 

Click on the boxes below to learn more about each. 


*Faculty will be invited to register for the CADI once their College's Core Education Designee has submitted the Statement of Intent. Please contact your College Designee if you have questions related to the submission of the Statement of Intent. 

  • Friday, January 17 (Week 2): 9:30-noon
  • Thursday, March 13 (Week 10): 2-4:30pm
  • Friday, April 11 (Week 2): 1:30-4pm


+CADI includes both the Canvas Guide, which is the prequel to the CADI, and the one-day CADI.

  •  Faculty designated to (re)design a campus-based course will be enrolled in the Canvas Guide (which includes the CTL's D.A.M.I.T. curriculum). After fully engaging with the Canvas Guide, faculty should have a syllabus, course map, and assessments.              
  • Faculty will then bring those materials to the CADI, where they will work with the CTL and faculty peers to refine and complete. 
  • At the end of the +CADI, faculty should have a complete course (re)designed that is ready to be put into the CIM proposal system.

The CADI Guide is a prequel to all forms of training and includes the CTL's D.A.M.I.T curriculum.

D.A.M.I.T. stands for Course Design, Assessment, Instructional Methods, Inclusive Teaching, and Technology. 

  • Folks designing just Ecampus courses will still complete the CADI Guide as a co-requisite to Ecampus specific trainings.
  • Faculty (re)designing for a SeSo, Beyond OSU, or Transitions course will go through D.A.M.I.T.+. The + stands for additional pedagogical support in the signature core areas of the curriculum. Faculty will select which signature area they are (re)designing for within Canvas and then be provided modules that will assist them with the pedagogy of the category. DAMIT+ is not intended to take the place of the specialized training folks need to teach in their respective categories, it just provides the pedagogical insight to design their courses.

DOC (Designing an Online Course) and ROC (Redesigning an Online Course) are Ecampus specific trainings.

Canvas Guide

Faculty will be auto-enrolled in the Canvas Guide once they register for the CADI through our online registration system. 

The Canvas Guide will be a co-requisite to the DOC and/or ROC. 

Course Adaptation and Design Institute (CADI)


CADI will prepare faculty across disciplines who are designing or redesigning on-campuses courses as part of OSU's general education requirements to create a CiM proposal. 

  • Difference, Power, and Oppression, Writing Intensive Curriculum, Seeking Solutions, and Transitions will have additional specialty professional development (PD) required. ​
  • One day (approximately 8 hours)
  • Synchronous
  • In-person, remote accommodations can be made as necessary

Yes, CADI is required. A faculty only needs to go through CADI one time regardless of the number of courses they are (re)designing over the course of the next two to three years for the Core Ed implementation. Units may elect to assign one faculty per course that needs to be (re)designed, or designate select faculty to attend the CADI and (re)design a suite of courses.

If you have a course that is offered at both Corvallis and Cascades, one faculty can attend the CADI to (re)design a course or both campuses can have a faculty attend and collaboratively (re)design.

No. Faculty will no longer receive a stipend for attending the CADI; the honorary stipend will be awarded once the faculty's course has been submitted to the CIM system. Faculty will receive the honorary stipend once, regardless of how many courses the faculty is responsible for redesigning or submitting. The honorary stipend will be distributed as part of payroll and will appear as a "stipend" on a pay stub. OPE and other deductions will not be removed from the honorary stipend, except for mandatory deductions such as FICA. Faculty will receive the honorary stipend after they have attended the CADI. 

If faculty are (re)designing courses for DPO, WIC, SeSo, or Transitions, additional time will be required, and additional compensation will be provided.

More information will be shared soon as to the amount and structure. If you have specific questions, please reach out to McKenzie Huber.

Ecampus Trainings

Ecampus has two course development workshops: Developing an Online Course (DOC) and Redeveloping an Online Course (ROC).  DOC is a six-week, fully asynchronous training and ROC is a four-week, fully asynchronous training.

All faculty working with Ecampus for the first time take DOC, regardless of whether their project is a new development or a redevelopment.  Faculty who have completed DOC and are coming back to redevelop an existing Ecampus course take ROC.

DOC and ROC are both a “springboard” into course development.  Faculty work closely with their assigned Ecampus instructional designer on applied projects while learning about best practices in designing asynchronous online courses.

DOC and ROC must only be taken once.  Faculty who have previously completed DOC but not ROC and are coming back to redevelop a course will take ROC.  Faculty who have completed both DOC and ROC previously will not have any additional Ecampus-specific training requirements for course development.

Successful completion of DOC prompts a $500 unit-to-unit transfer; for ROC, there is a $350 unit-to-unit transfer.  Funds go to a department index and faculty should check with their department about how they can be accessed and used.

No.  After the Ecampus development/redevelopment proposal is accepted, faculty will automatically be enrolled in their required workshop (if the required trainings have not been completed previously).  DOC and ROC are offered every quarter and will be taken as part of the first term of the two-term course development.

Online teaching training is required for all Ecampus faculty.  Faculty who are new to Ecampus teaching should take New Instructor Training (NIT); faculty who have been teaching online at OSU previously and have not completed New Instructor Training should take Instructor Training Refresh (ITR).  More information is available on the Ecampus website

Specialty Professional Development - Difference, Power, and Oppression

Specialty Professional Development - Writing Intensive Curriculum

Yes, if you are proposing a NEW WIC course, you are required to attend the CADI. If you have already attended the CADI for other course (re)designs, you do not have to attend again. 

No. Existing WIC courses are automatically moved to the WIC category in Core Education. 

Everyone who teaches a course in Core Education, including WIC courses, must participate in the asynchronous, self-guided CTL Canvas Module. All WIC faculty should take the WIC faculty seminar before teaching a WIC class or as early in their WIC teaching as possible. To increase access to the seminar, WIC will be offering it multiple times each year during the 2023-2024 academic years.

Online course (re)design will continue to take place through Ecampus. Please see the Ecampus Trainings section below.

Yes. Faculty who complete the WIC seminar receive =a $500 honorary stipend.

Seminar participants are nominated by their unit heads.

Yes. The seminar is open to all OSU faculty.

The WIC seminar meets for five weeks.

Dates are TBD. Please check the WIC Faculty Seminar page or contact the WIC Director ([email protected]) for more information.

Teaching in Core Education (TCE) Trainings

Yes. Anyone who will be teaching in the new curriculum, regardless of campus, modality, and rank, must participate in self-guided, asynchronous training through Canvas. 

Teaching courses in Core Education is a great responsibility and honor. While courses will be (re)designed by faculty who have participated in an intensive one-day CADI, we understand course sections are handed off and shared between campuses and modalities. Over the years, the Bacc Core Committee has seen significant course drift when assessing individual course sections. Sometimes, to the point where a course or sections of a course are no longer teaching to the learning outcomes, nor have assessments to meet the outcomes. The TCE will be developed so no matter who (re)designed the course, all ranks of individuals adopting or adapting a course will be equipped with evidence-informed signature practices.

Please note, graduate students who are assigned as instructor of record are also required to participate. 

The TCE also represents a commitment to the shared responsibility and vitality of Core Education at OSU. It is on us to promote the importance, value, and purpose of Core Education as a whole and through individual categories and courses to our students for years to come.

Instructors of Core Education courses are required to participate in TCE every three years. This self-paced, asynchronous module is part of job duties and therefore is not additionally compensated. 

Individuals cannot be assigned as an instructor of record for a Core Education course unless they have participated in are up-to-date with the TCE. 

In instances where emergency hires are made or last-minute teaching assignments occur, exceptions and accommodations can be made. Please see the policy from the Bacc Core Committee on this.

Folks who go through the CADI, DOC, or ROC, will have already participated in the TCE curriculum via the CADI Guide. Folks have three years after completing the CADI Guide before the TCE is required. 

The TCE will be developed during the 2024 academic year and be available prior to summer 2025 scheduling to ensure folks can be added as instructors of record for the summer 2025 launch.

Committees and Policy

The Pedagogical Support and Development (PSD) team is charged with delivering seminars, workshops, and institutes to support faculty developing courses to include in OSU General Education course offerings. 

PSD Committee: 

  • Regan Gurung - Chair, Associate Vice Provost of Academic Affairs and Executive Director of Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Lynn Greenough - Learning Platform Services, Academic Technologies
  • Brooke Howland - Director of New Initiatives, Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Cub Kahn - Blended & Hybrid Learning Consultant and College Liaison, Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Katherine McAlvage - Ecampus
  • Nana Osei-Kofi - Director of Difference, Power, and Oppression, Academic Affairs
  • Sarah Tinker Perrault - Director of Writing Intensive Curriculum, Academic Affairs
  • Inara Scott - Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning Excellence, College of Business

For questions or comments, please contact Regan Gurung

See this link for Program Learning outcomes.

Referenced from General Education Policies

Faculty Development Requirements:

  • Due to the positive impact of professional development on the quality of teaching and student satisfaction, all General Education instructors should enroll in professional development, to be renewed on a periodic basis. 
  • Some areas may require additional, and ongoing, professional development as is described in the category criteria and/or other General Education policies. 
  • General Education professional development will be provided on an institutional (OSU-wide) basis and will be provisioned to meet campus demand.

Professional development takes on two forms, which are designed to accommodate differences in the complexity and novelty of courses, types, outcomes, expertise, and experience. 

  1. To develop an on-campus General Education course, the developer(s) will complete the Course Adaptation Design Institute (CADI) experience, for which compensation may be available. E-campus development support will continue to be provided by Ecampus. 
  2. To teach an approved General Education course, an instructor will complete OSU's General Education Pedagogical Support and Development program.

In the event that professional development is inadequately provisioned, with the awareness of Academic Affairs, temporary waivers may be granted. 

  • Emergency circumstances which require a temporary waiver may exist but are exceedingly rare (such as the sudden unavailability of an instructor, failure to hire faculty, or loss of situational awareness by a unit are not included in these). 
  • In these circumstances, the Director of General Education (the responsible party for the waiver) and the Coordinator of Faculty Development will actively work with faculty across units to find a solution, which may include a temporary waiver, an MOU for support from a different unit, or some other solution.